Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants

W spiedes kāju - 7/8 - izgatavots no pārstrādātām plastmasas pudelēm

Regulārā cena € 49.95
Regulārā cena € 67.95 Pārdošanas cena € 49.95
Pārdošana (-26%)
Ar nodokli iekļauts. Piegāde aprēķina pie kases.
Color: Sūna
Size: XS
  • Noliktavā ir palicis tikai daži gabali!

Iegūt 20% atlaides uz visu ar kodu: SPRINGBEE20 - Derīgs līdz 8.3.2025.

OOH, ilgtspējīgi augstceltņu legingi visās labākajās krāsās. Visām jūsu riteņbraukšanas, skriešanas, kāpšanas un karstās jogas vajadzībām.


Kaste, kas to visu sāka. Papildu daudzstāvu ar četrvirzienu stiepšanos un kompresiju, kas izgatavots no pārstrādātām ūdens pudelēm-būtībā viss, kas jums nepieciešams, lai iegūtu iecienītākās augstas ietekmes aktivitātes, piemēram, skriešanu vai jogu.

Šī ir īsāka 7/8 versija, jūs varat atrastgarāka versija šeit.

Šīs ir būtiskas krāsas un jaunākā sezonas krāsa legingos, ja meklējat ierobežotās krāsas, varat Atrodiet tos šeit.


Katrs mūsu kompresijas legingu pāris novirza 25 pudeles no poligoniem un satur 79% RPET un 21% spandeksu.

Piemērotība un lielums:

Patiess pēc lieluma ar 28 cm pieaugumu. Iepazīstieties ar savu jauno iecienīto piemērotību.

  • 72cm = pilna garuma / normāls
  • 60cm = 7/8
  • 49cm = capri (Atsevišķs produkts, noklikšķiniet uz garuma, lai to atvērtu)

Kas ir ilgtspējīgs?

Pārstrādāts un pārstrādājams

  • Pārstrādāti materiāli
  • Ētisks un caurspīdīgs ražošanas process
  • Sertifikācija: blūza, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex
  • 18.61lbsCO2 apņēmās
  • 3.11GALLONS ūdens ietaupīts
  • 25 ūdens pudelesnovirzīts no poligoniem


Par draudzenes kolektīvu

"Ķekars vecu ūdens pudeļu nekad nav izskatījies tik labi!"

Draudzenes kolektīvs tic ētiskai ražošanai un pārstrādātiem materiāliem. Turklāt zīmols uzskata, ka veselībai un labsajūtai ir daudz formu un izmēru, un ka attēlojumam ir nozīme. Krāsaini izstrādātie topi un legingi ir izgatavoti tā, lai tie atbilstu visiem ķermeņa tipiem.

Zīmolu 2016. gadā nodibināja pāris Ellie un Quang Dinh. Pārredzamība bija viņu pirmais mērķis, uzsākot draudzenes kolektīvu, un tā joprojām ir viena no vissvarīgākajām vērtībām. <

Vecās ūdens pudeles un makšķerēšanas tīkli ir galvenās izejvielas ražošanai. Pārstrādāts poliesters nāk no Taivānas, kas mūsdienās ir pārstrādes līderis. Legingi ir izgatavoti no 25 pārstrādātām ūdens pudelēm pēc patērētāja. Draudzenes kolektīvās apstrādes centrs pieder Taivānas ģimenei, un to sertificē Taivānas valdība. Rūpnīcām irSA8000 Sertifikāts, kas garantē, ka darbiniekiem tiek maksāta taisnīga alga un izturas pret cieņu. Draudzene aktīvi meklē veidus, kā palīdzēt planētai un tās iedzīvotājiem.


  • Blūza zīme - Produktu drošības garantija
  • SA8000 - Ētiskās apģērba ražošanas garantija
  • Oeko-Tex - Droši tekstilizstrādājumi
  • GRS - Globālais pārstrādes standarts

Weekendbee garantija

Iegādājoties Weekendbee produktu, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka šī izvēle ir labvēlīgāka mūsu planētai. Mēs atbalstām ilgtspējīgi ražotus augstas kvalitātes produktus, lai jūs varētu pirkt mazāk un labāk.

Recycled materials

Ethical and transparent manufacturing process

Certifications: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Mukavan napakat muttei puristavat, laadukkaan oloiset. Kyykätessä hieman rullautuu vyötäröltä, muttei valu. Koko L oli 160-senttiselle vielä juuri ja juuri vajaamittainen.

Sanna Kosunen
Täydellinen pituus lyhyemmälle henkilölle!

Hirvittävän vaikeaa löytää 153 senttisenä sopivia kompressiollisia treenipöksyjä, lähes aina joutuu taittamaan lahjetta, jolloin voi alkaa staassaamaan (eli luomaan omaan puristusta taitetun lahkeen kohdalle). Mutta nämä ovat täydelliset lyhyemmille henkilöille.

Julia Kokkonen
Great leggings

The product was exactly what i expected. It fits great and the lenght is perfect.

Aliisa Järvinen
Mahtavat treenitrikoot!

Hyvännäköiset, pysyy jalassa ja istuu mukavasti. Aika napakka malli mutta vastaa kokoaan mielestäni. Näistä ei näy läpi ja lahkeen pituus täydellinen 158 cm mittaiselle, kerrankin😊 näistä tuli uudet lempparitrikoot, suosittelen!

W's Compressive Legging - 7/8 soft but firm

I like them, they are soft but still firm.
I also like the high waist, so I do not need to worry they will be creeping down during the workout.