Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Run Shorts High-Rise - Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles Key Lime Pants

Run šorti Augstā līmeņa - izgatavots no pārstrādātām plastmasas pudelēm

Regulārā cena € 30.95
Regulārā cena € 43.95 Pārdošanas cena € 30.95
Pārdošana (-29%)
Ar nodokli iekļauts. Piegāde aprēķina pie kases.
Color: Key Lime
Size: XS
  • Noliktavā ir palicis tikai daži gabali!

Iegūt 20% atlaides uz visu ar kodu: SPRINGBEE20 - Derīgs līdz 8.3.2025.

Draudzenes kolektīva skrējiena šorti Augstceltne- izgatavots no pārstrādātām plastmasas pudelēm

Skrējiena īsā laikā ir daudz kāpumu un jaukas, spiedes piemērotas, kas paliek likta, lai jūs varētu koncentrēties uz svarīgām lietām, piemēram, šī jūdzes laika uzlabošanu vai izvairīšanos no īstām biksēm, kad jūs iekāpjat virtuvē.


  • Maza slēpta aizmugurējā kabata atslēgām vai kartēm
  • Sviedru audums
  • Pilnīgi necaurlaidīgs
  • Sbieži vien izturīga konstrukcija ar četrvirzienu posmu


  • Izgatavots no 79% pārstrādātām plastmasas pudelēm (RPET) un 21% Spandex
  • Paredzēts augstas ietekmes treniņiem


Lai rūpētos par tiem, mašīna auksti mazgā ar līdzīgām krāsām un sausu plakanu līniju. Mēs iesakām izmantot a Guppyfriend mazgāšanas soma.

Kas ir ilgtspējīgs?

  • Pārstrādāts mājdzīvnieks
  • Ētisks un caurspīdīgs ražošanas process
  • Sertifikācija: blūza, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex
  • 15 ūdens pudeles, kas novirzītas no poligoniem
  • 11.16 mārciņas CO2 novērst
  • 1,86 galonu izglābts ūdens

Par draudzenes kolektīvu

"Ķekars vecu ūdens pudeļu nekad nav izskatījies tik labi!"

Draudzenes kolektīvs tic ētiskai ražošanai un pārstrādātiem materiāliem. Turklāt zīmols uzskata, ka veselībai un labsajūtai ir daudz formu un izmēru, un ka attēlojumam ir nozīme. Krāsaini izstrādātie topi un legingi ir izgatavoti tā, lai tie atbilstu visiem ķermeņa tipiem.

Zīmolu 2016. gadā nodibināja pāris Ellie un Quang Dinh. Pārredzamība bija viņu pirmais mērķis, uzsākot draudzenes kolektīvu, un tā joprojām ir viena no vissvarīgākajām vērtībām.

Vecās ūdens pudeles un makšķerēšanas tīkli ir galvenās izejvielas ražošanai. Pārstrādāts poliesters nāk no Taivānas, kas mūsdienās ir pārstrādes līderis. Legingi ir izgatavoti no 25 pārstrādātām ūdens pudelēm pēc patērētāja. Draudzenes kolektīvās apstrādes centrs pieder Taivānas ģimenei, un to sertificē Taivānas valdība. Rūpnīcām irSA8000 Sertifikāts, kas garantē, ka darbiniekiem tiek maksāta taisnīga alga un izturas pret cieņu. Draudzene aktīvi meklē veidus, kā palīdzēt planētai un tās iedzīvotājiem.


  • Blūza zīme - Produktu drošības garantija
  • SA8000 - Ētiskās apģērba ražošanas garantija
  • Oeko-Tex - Droši tekstilizstrādājumi
  • GRS - Globālais pārstrādātais standarts

Weekendbee garantija

Iegādājoties Weekendbee produktu, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka šī izvēle ir labvēlīgāka mūsu planētai. Mēs atbalstām ilgtspējīgi ražotus augstas kvalitātes produktus, lai jūs varētu pirkt mazāk un labāk.

Recycled materials

Ethical and transparent manufacturing process

Certifications: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Great short tights for hot weather

These were significantly smaller than GC biker shorts in the same size, so I would advise to size up.


Tilasin mittojen mukaan sopivimman kokoiset ja olivat hyvin istuvat. Olivat myös oikeasti korkeat varsinkin lyhyelle ihmiselle. Väri samanlainen kuin kuvissa ja vaikuttavat laadukkaille.

Tiina Pekonen
Kaipaan taskuja

Sortsit vaikuttavat laadukkailta ja kokotaulukko piti hyvin paikkaansa. Itse kaipaisin näihin kuitenkin sivutaskuja, joihin saisi puhelimen ja avaimet. En osaa sanoa, miten toimii juostessa, koska en itse juokse, mutta ainakin salitreeniin hyvät.

Sanni Naukkarinen
Run juoksushortsit

Napakka materiaali mutta hengittämätön


Mukavat ja juuri sopivan pituiset sortsit. Pysyvät hyvn paikoillaan kompression ansiosta.