Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Seaweed Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants

Kompresné legíny W - vyrobené z recyklovaných plastových fliaš

Bežná cena € 49.95
Bežná cena € 67.95 Zľavnená cena € 49.95
zľava (-26%)
Vrátane dane. Preprava vypočíta sa pri pokladni.
Color: Moss
Size: XS
  • Niekoľko zostalo na sklade!

Získajte 20% zľavu na všetko s kódom: Platí do 8.3.2025

Och, Sustainable vysoké legíny vo všetkých najlepších farbách. Pre všetky vaše potreby týkajúce sa bicyklovania, behu, lezenia a horúcej jogy.


Legíny, ktoré to všetko začali. Mimoriadne vysoký strih so štvorsmernou strečovou a kompresívnou tkaninou vyrobený z recyklovaných fliaš na vodu v podstate všetko, čo potrebujete, aby ste zvládli svoje obľúbené aktivity s vysokým dopadom, ako je beh alebo joga..

Niektoré farby majú normálny model po celej dĺžke (72 cm) a kratšiu 7/8 dĺžku (60 cm). K dispozícii je tiež dĺžka capri (49 cm).

Toto sú základné farby a najnovšia sezónna farba legín, ak hľadáte obmedzené farby, môžetenájdete ich tu.


Každý pár našich kompresných legín odvádza 25 fliaš zo skládok a obsahuje 79 % RPET a 21 % spandexu.

Prispôsobenie a veľkosť:

Presná veľkosť s prevýšením 28 cm. Zoznámte sa so svojím novým obľúbeným strihom.

  • 72 cm = plná dĺžka / normálna
  • 60 cm = 7/8
  • 49 cm = Capri (samostatný produkt, kliknutím na dĺžku ho otvoríte)

What's sustainable?

Recyklované a recyklovateľné, keď s týmto tovarom skončíte (odteraz už dlho, veľmi dlho), recyklujte ho s ReGirlfriend..

  • Recyklované materiály
  • Etický a transparentný výrobný proces
  • Certifikáty: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex
  • 18,61lbsVypustené CO2
  • 3.11galónov vody ušetrených
  • 25fľašky vodyodklonené zo skládok


O Girlfriend Collective

"Zopár starých fliaš s vodou nikdy nevyzeralo tak dobre!"

Girlfriend Collective verí v etickú výrobu a recyklované materiály. Okrem toho značka verí, že zdravie a wellness má mnoho tvarov a veľkostí a že na reprezentácii záleží. Farebné dizajnové topy a legíny sú vyrobené tak, aby sedeli všetkým typom postavy.

Značku založili v roku 2016 manželia Ellie a Quang Dinh. Transparentnosť bola ich prvým cieľom pri zakladaní Girlfriend Collective a stále je to pre nich jedna z najdôležitejších hodnôt. <

Hlavnými surovinami na výrobu sú staré fľaše na vodu a rybárske siete.Recyklovaný polyester pochádza z Taiwanu, ktorý je v súčasnosti lídrom v recyklácii. Legíny sú vyrobené z 25 recyklovaných spotrebiteľských fliaš na vodu. Spracovateľské centrum Girlfriend Collective vlastní taiwanská rodina a je certifikované taiwanskou vládou. Továrne majúSA8000 osvedčenie, ktoré zaručuje, že zamestnanci dostávajú spravodlivú mzdu a zaobchádza sa s nimi s rešpektom. Priateľka aktívne hľadá spôsoby, ako pomôcť planéte a jej obyvateľom.


  • Bluesign - Záruka bezpečnosti produktu
  • SA8000 - Záruka na etickú výrobu odevov
  • Oeko-Tex - Bezpečné textílie

GRS - Globálny štandard recyklácie

Weekendbee záruka

Keď si zakúpite výrobok od Weekendbee, môžete si byť istí, že tento výber je lepší pre našu planétu. Podporujeme udržateľne vyrábané vysokokvalitné výrobky, aby ste mohli nakupovať menej a lepšie.

Recyklované materiály

Etický a transparentný výrobný proces

Certifikáty:Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Mukavan napakat muttei puristavat, laadukkaan oloiset. Kyykätessä hieman rullautuu vyötäröltä, muttei valu. Koko L oli 160-senttiselle vielä juuri ja juuri vajaamittainen.

Sanna Kosunen
Täydellinen pituus lyhyemmälle henkilölle!

Hirvittävän vaikeaa löytää 153 senttisenä sopivia kompressiollisia treenipöksyjä, lähes aina joutuu taittamaan lahjetta, jolloin voi alkaa staassaamaan (eli luomaan omaan puristusta taitetun lahkeen kohdalle). Mutta nämä ovat täydelliset lyhyemmille henkilöille.

Julia Kokkonen
Great leggings

The product was exactly what i expected. It fits great and the lenght is perfect.

Aliisa Järvinen
Mahtavat treenitrikoot!

Hyvännäköiset, pysyy jalassa ja istuu mukavasti. Aika napakka malli mutta vastaa kokoaan mielestäni. Näistä ei näy läpi ja lahkeen pituus täydellinen 158 cm mittaiselle, kerrankin😊 näistä tuli uudet lempparitrikoot, suosittelen!

W's Compressive Legging - 7/8 soft but firm

I like them, they are soft but still firm.
I also like the high waist, so I do not need to worry they will be creeping down during the workout.