DHL return instructions
The product was not a good match for you? No problem - we have a 14 day return policy.
Please attach the return label(s) found in your package and fix it to each piece of your shipment. You can take a picture of your return label to save the tracking code which is printed in the label.
Return the package to the nearest DHL package service point, you can find here:
In France, Relai Colis accepts DHL Freight returns.
Returns are in general made with a DHL Freight return label, so please note that the return point accepts DHL Freight returns.
In some countries you can also return the item via a post office, but make sure that the return point accepts these DHL Freight deliveries and remember to ask for a return receipt for yourself.
Keep the receipt of the return until you have received the refund.
After the shipment you can track the return shipment status via:
In case you have any queries do not hesitate to contact DHL Customer service centre at