Bluesign system - solution for a sustainable textile production

Systematic approach
The independent bluesign® system pursues the unique approach to minimize the environmental impact throughout the production process. The so-called Input Stream Management ensures that all during the production process applied substances and raw materials are already verified in advance of the production. In other words: Instead of testing finished products bluesign® system is applied at the point where the production starts. This means, that suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and brands have to go through rigorous tests in order to verify compliance with bluesign® criteria.
Minimizing risks to consumers and the environment
The bluesign® system focus guarantees the application of sustainable ingredients in a clean process at which end stands a safely manufactured product. As a result, the textile industry manages the natural resources soundly and responsibly, reduces water and air emissions, improves its wastewater treatment and generally reduces its ecological footprint.
With this holistic approach, the bluesign® system unites all partners of the textile industry in order to realize an environmentally friendly, sustainable textile production worldwide.
The 5 bluesign® principles
The bluesign® system is based on five principles:
- Resource productivity
- Consumer safety
- Water emission
- Air emission
- Occupational health & safety
The bluesign® criteria
The bluesign® system defines concrete criteria for each production level based on extensive risk assessments. According to the five principles, these criteria ensure maximum sustainability along the entire textile supply chain:
- Criteria for ingredients
- Criteria for the manufacturing processes
- Criteria for finished products