Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
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Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
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Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants

W survestatud plastpudelitest valmistatud W -SPECSPILVE JÄÄL - 7/8

Tavaline hind € 49.95
Tavaline hind € 67.95 Müügihind € 49.95
Müük (-26%)
Maksu sisaldub. Laevandus arvutatakse kassas.
Color: Moss
Size: XS
  • Mõned laos alles!

Saa 20% allahindlust kõigest koodiga: SPRINGBEE20 - kehtib kuni 8.3.2025

Ooh, jätkusuutlikud kõrghoonete säärised kõigis parimates värvides. Kogu teie jalgrattasõidu, jooksmise, ronimise ja kuuma joogavajaduse jaoks.


Leging, mis selle kõik alguse sai. Eriti kõrghoone neljasuunalise venituse ja survekangaga, mis on valmistatud ringlussevõetud veepudelitest-põhimõtteliselt kõik, mida vajate oma lemmik suure mõjuga tegevuste, näiteks jooksmise või jooga läbimiseks.

See on lühem 7/8 versioon, leiate sellepikem versioon siin.

Need on sääriste olulised värvid ja uusim hooajaline värv, kui otsite piiratud värve, saate Leidke need siit.


Iga meie surve sääriste paar suunab prügilatest 25 pudelit ja sisaldab 79% RPET ja 21% spandex.

Sobivus ja suurus:

True suurusele 28cm tõusuga. Tutvuge oma uue lemmik sobivusega.

  • 72cm = täispikk / normaalne
  • 60cm = 7/8
  • 49cm = capri (Eraldi toode, klõpsake selle avamiseks pikkust)

Mis on jätkusuutlik?

Ringlussevõetud ja taaskasutatav

  • Ringlussevõetud materjalid
  • Eetiline ja läbipaistev tootmisprotsess
  • Sertifikaadid: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, OEKO-TEX
  • 18.61LBSCO2 taaselustas
  • 3.11Galloni vesi on kokku hoitud
  • 25 veepudelidprügilatest suunatud


Sõbranna kollektiivi kohta

"Hunnik vanu veepudeleid pole kunagi nii hea välja näinud!"

Sõbranna Collective usub eetilistesse tootmis- ja ringlussevõetud materjalidesse. Lisaks usub bränd, et tervis ja heaolu on paljudes kujundites ja suuruses ning see esindatus on oluline. Värvilised disainitud tipud ja säärised on valmistatud nii, et need sobiksid kõigile kehatüüpidele.

Brändi asutasid 2016. aastal paar, Ellie ja Quang Dinh. Läbipaistvus oli nende esimene eesmärk, kui alustas sõbranna kollektiivi ja see on nende jaoks endiselt üks olulisemaid väärtusi. <

Vanad veepudelid ja kalavõrkud on tootmiseks peamised toorained. Ringlussevõetud polüester pärineb Taiwanist, mis on tänapäeval ringlussevõtu juht. Säärised on valmistatud 25 ringlussevõetud tarbijajärgsest veepudelist. Sõbranna kollektiivse töötlemiskeskuse kuulub Taiwani perekonnale ja selle kinnitab Taiwani valitsus. Tehastes onSA8000 Sertifikaat, mis tagab, et töötajatele makstakse õiglast palka ja koheldakse austusega. Sõbranna otsib aktiivselt võimalusi planeedi ja selle elanike abistamiseks.


  • Bluesign - Tooteohutuse garantii
  • SA8000 - Rõivaste eetiline tootmise garantii
  • Oko-tex - ohutud tekstiilid
  • Grs - globaalne ringlussevõtustandard

Weekendbee garantii

Kui ostate toote Weekendbee'lt, võite olla kindel, et valik on meie planeedi jaoks parem. Toetame jätkusuutlikult toodetud kvaliteetseid tooteid, et sa saaksid osta vähem ja paremini.

Recycled materials

Ethical and transparent manufacturing process

Certifications: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Mukavan napakat muttei puristavat, laadukkaan oloiset. Kyykätessä hieman rullautuu vyötäröltä, muttei valu. Koko L oli 160-senttiselle vielä juuri ja juuri vajaamittainen.

Sanna Kosunen
Täydellinen pituus lyhyemmälle henkilölle!

Hirvittävän vaikeaa löytää 153 senttisenä sopivia kompressiollisia treenipöksyjä, lähes aina joutuu taittamaan lahjetta, jolloin voi alkaa staassaamaan (eli luomaan omaan puristusta taitetun lahkeen kohdalle). Mutta nämä ovat täydelliset lyhyemmille henkilöille.

Julia Kokkonen
Great leggings

The product was exactly what i expected. It fits great and the lenght is perfect.

Aliisa Järvinen
Mahtavat treenitrikoot!

Hyvännäköiset, pysyy jalassa ja istuu mukavasti. Aika napakka malli mutta vastaa kokoaan mielestäni. Näistä ei näy läpi ja lahkeen pituus täydellinen 158 cm mittaiselle, kerrankin😊 näistä tuli uudet lempparitrikoot, suosittelen!

W's Compressive Legging - 7/8 soft but firm

I like them, they are soft but still firm.
I also like the high waist, so I do not need to worry they will be creeping down during the workout.