Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants

W's Compressive Legging - Hergestellt aus recycelten Plastikflaschen

Regulärer Preis € 49.95
Regulärer Preis € 67.95 Verkaufspreis € 49.95
Sale (-26%)
Steuern inklusive. Versand wird an der Kasse berechnet.
Color: Moss
Size: XS
  • Noch wenige auf Lager!

Erhalten Sie 20% Rabatt auf alles mit dem Code: SPRINGBEE20 - Gültig bis 8.3.2025

Oh, Sustainable Leggings mit hohem Bund in den besten Farben. Für alle Ihre Bedürfnisse beim Radfahren, Laufen, Klettern und heißen Yoga.


Die Leggings, mit der alles begann. Ein extra hoher Bund mit Vier-Wege-Stretch und komprimierendem Material aus recycelten Wasserflaschen, im Grunde alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre Lieblingsaktivitäten mit hoher Belastung wie Laufen oder Yoga zu überstehen..

Einige Farben haben das normale Modell in voller Länge (72 cm) und eine kürzere 7/8-Länge (60 cm). Es gibt auch eine Capri-Länge (49 cm).

Dies sind die wesentlichen Farben und die neueste Saisonfarbe der Leggings. Wenn Sie nach den begrenzten Farben suchen, können Sie dies tunfinden Sie sie hier.


Jedes Paar unserer Kompressionsleggings erspart 25 Flaschen Mülldeponien und enthält 79 % RPET und 21 % Spandex.

Passform & Größe:

Fällt der Größe entsprechend aus mit einer Leibhöhe von 28 cm. Lernen Sie Ihre neue Lieblingspassform kennen.

  • 72 cm = volle Länge / normal
  • 60 cm = 7/8
  • 49 cm = Capri (separates Produkt, zum Öffnen auf die Länge klicken)

What's sustainable?

Recycelt und recycelbar Wenn Sie mit diesem Artikel fertig sind (in langer, langer Zeit), recyceln Sie ihn mit ReGirlfriend..

  • Wiederverwertete Materialien
  • Ethischer und transparenter Herstellungsprozess
  • Zertifizierungen: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Öko-Tex
  • 18.61PfundCO2 entweicht
  • 3.11Gallonen Wasser gespart
  • 25Wasserflaschenvon Deponien umgeleitet


Über Girlfriend Collective

"Ein Haufen alter Wasserflaschen hat noch nie so gut ausgesehen!"

Girlfriend Collective glaubt an ethische Herstellung und recycelte Materialien. Darüber hinaus glaubt die Marke, dass Gesundheit und Wellness in vielen Formen und Größen vorkommen und dass Repräsentation wichtig ist. Die farbenfroh gestalteten Oberteile und Leggings sind für alle Körpertypen geeignet.

Die Marke wurde 2016 von einem Ehepaar, Ellie und Quang Dinh, gegründet. Transparenz war ihr erstes Ziel bei der Gründung von Girlfriend Collective und ist immer noch einer der wichtigsten Werte für sie. <

Alte Wasserflaschen und Fischernetze sind die wichtigsten Rohstoffe für die Produktion.Recycelter Polyester kommt aus Taiwan, das heute führend im Recycling ist. Leggings werden aus 25 recycelten Post-Consumer-Wasserflaschen hergestellt. Das Girlfriend Collective Verarbeitungszentrum gehört einer taiwanesischen Familie und ist von der taiwanesischen Regierung zertifiziert. Fabriken haben eineSA8000 Zertifikat, das garantiert, dass Mitarbeiter fair bezahlt und respektvoll behandelt werden. Girlfriend sucht aktiv nach Möglichkeiten, dem Planeten und seinen Bewohnern zu helfen.


  • Bluesign - Gewährleistung der Produktsicherheit
  • SA8000 - Garantie auf ethische Herstellung von Kleidungsstücken
  • Öko-Tex - Sichere Textilien

GRS - Globaler Recyclingstandard

Weekendbee Garantie

Wenn Sie ein Produkt von Weekendbeekaufen, können Sie sicher sein, dass die Wahl besser für unseren Planeten ist. Wir unterstützen nachhaltig produzierte, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte, damit Sie weniger und besser kaufen können.

Wiederverwertete Materialien

Ethischer und transparenter Herstellungsprozess

Zertifizierungen:Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Öko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Mukavan napakat muttei puristavat, laadukkaan oloiset. Kyykätessä hieman rullautuu vyötäröltä, muttei valu. Koko L oli 160-senttiselle vielä juuri ja juuri vajaamittainen.

Sanna Kosunen
Täydellinen pituus lyhyemmälle henkilölle!

Hirvittävän vaikeaa löytää 153 senttisenä sopivia kompressiollisia treenipöksyjä, lähes aina joutuu taittamaan lahjetta, jolloin voi alkaa staassaamaan (eli luomaan omaan puristusta taitetun lahkeen kohdalle). Mutta nämä ovat täydelliset lyhyemmille henkilöille.

Julia Kokkonen
Great leggings

The product was exactly what i expected. It fits great and the lenght is perfect.

Aliisa Järvinen
Mahtavat treenitrikoot!

Hyvännäköiset, pysyy jalassa ja istuu mukavasti. Aika napakka malli mutta vastaa kokoaan mielestäni. Näistä ei näy läpi ja lahkeen pituus täydellinen 158 cm mittaiselle, kerrankin😊 näistä tuli uudet lempparitrikoot, suosittelen!

W's Compressive Legging - 7/8 soft but firm

I like them, they are soft but still firm.
I also like the high waist, so I do not need to worry they will be creeping down during the workout.