Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Black Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Orange Zest Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Orange Zest Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Orange Zest Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moss Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Moon XS Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Key Lime Pants
Girlfriend Collective Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles Key Lime Pants

Cyklistické šortky – vyrobené z recyklovaných plastových lahví

Běžná cena € 29.95
Běžná cena € 51.95 Výprodejová cena € 29.95
Prodej (-42%)
Včetně daně. Přeprava vypočteno při objednávce.
Color: Primrose
Size: XS
  • Na skladě

Získejte 20% slevu na vše s kódem: Platí do 8.3.2025.

Girlfriend Collective - Eticky vyrobené kompresní cyklistické šortky

Nemusíte jezdit na kole, abyste si oblékli cyklistické šortky, ale cyklistika snižuje emise skleníkových plynů, snižuje dopravní zácpy a je to způsob dopravy bez znečištění... Vyrobeno z recyklovaných lahví na vodu pro cvičení a roztomilý vzhled.


Kompresivní tkanina vyrobená z recyklovaných lahví na vodu obsahuje 79 % RPET a 21 % spandex.


Abyste se o ně postarali, perte v pračce za studena s podobnými barvami a osušte naplocho. Doporučujeme použít aGuppyfriend mycí sáček.

Co je udržitelné?

  • Recyklované materiály
  • Etický a transparentní výrobní proces
  • Certifikace: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex


    O Girlfriend Collective

    "Spousta starých lahví na vodu nikdy nevypadala tak dobře!"

    Girlfriend Collective věří v etickou výrobu a recyklované materiály. Kromě toho značka věří, že zdraví a wellness má mnoho tvarů a velikostí a že na reprezentaci záleží. Barevné designové topy a legíny jsou vyrobeny tak, aby seděly všem typům postavy.

    Značka byla založena v roce 2016 párem Ellie a Quang Dinh. Transparentnost byla jejich prvním cílem při zakládání Girlfriend Collective a stále je pro ně jednou z nejdůležitějších hodnot. <

    Hlavními surovinami pro výrobu jsou staré lahve na vodu a rybářské sítě.Recyklovaný polyester pochází z Tchaj-wanu, který je v současnosti lídrem v recyklaci. Legíny jsou vyrobeny z 25 recyklovaných spotřebitelských lahví na vodu. Zpracovatelské centrum Girlfriend Collective je ve vlastnictví tchajwanské rodiny a je certifikováno tchajwanskou vládou. Továrny majíSA8000 certifikát, který zaručuje, že zaměstnanci dostávají spravedlivou mzdu a že se s nimi zachází s respektem. Girlfriend aktivně hledá způsoby, jak pomoci planetě a jejím obyvatelům.


    • Bluesign - Záruka bezpečnosti výrobku
    • SA8000 - Záruka etické výroby oděvů
    • Oeko-Tex - Bezpečné textilie
    • GRS - Globální standard recyklace

    Weekendbee záruka

    Když si zakoupíte výrobek od Weekendbee, můžete si být jisti, že je to lepší volba pro naši planetu. Podporujeme udržitelně vyráběné vysoce kvalitní výrobky, abyste mohli nakupovat méně a lépe.

    Recycled materials

    Ethical and transparent manufacturing process

    Certifications: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 116 reviews
    Nappiin meni

    Shortsit olivat juuri sellaiset kuin odotinkin. Sopiva pituus ja ihanat luumunvärisinä! Pysyvät hyvin paikallaan pyöräillessä ja kävelyillä. :)

    Very comfortable

    The shorts are very comfortable and easy to wear with anything and for everywhere. Also quality seems great and not see through.

    Bike Shorts

    Paksu, napakka materiaali. Luottomalli, joka kestää vuosia.

    Miellyttävät treenishortsit

    Näissä on ihanan korkea vyötärö, jonka myötä (ja muutenkin) tuntuma on kivan napakka, muttei puristava. Lahkeet ovat pitkähköt ja itse tykkäisin ehkä enemmän biker- ja run-mallin välimaastosta, yllätyin kuitenkin positiivisesti etteivät nämä nyt ihan polviinkaan asti tulleet, vaikka olen melko lyhyt (160cm). Otin M-koon aiempien pitkien GC:n leggingsien perusteella, ja se olikin minulle sopiva, vaikka olen L-kokoa mittataulukon mukaan. Materiaali on paksuhkoa, joustaa hyvin muttei mitään superelastista, vaan ennemmin jämäkät. Harmillisesti oranssissa värissä näkyy helposti läpi, pitää miettiä aika tarkkaan minkä väriset alushousut laittaa alle 😅 Salikäyttöön on ainakin passelit, tykkään kovasti 👌🏼

    Suvi Saarnio

    Bike Shorts - Made from recycled plastic bottles