We all want to stay dry when it's raining cats and dogs but at what cost. PFC (perfluorocarbons) are chemicals that are used in technical garments to make them water repellent. PFC are chemicals that are released into the air when making and using a product and they are harmful to the environment and people.
The most dangerous C8 PFC chemicals have been recently banned in EU but other types, like C4 and C6 chemicals, are still allowed even though there is no proper research of their health impact. Manufacturers don´t need to inform about these in product labels. You can trust product being chemical free only if the label states “Free from Perfluorocarbons” or PFC-Free.
What is known, C4 and C6 should dissolve better in nature than C8. In general, researchers have proved that PFC-chemicals accumulate in nature and to people. In worst these chemicals can cause hypothyroidism, development disorder, higher cancer risk and have an effect on hormone functioning.
Some manufacturers have succeeded in finding replacing technologies to make our garment water repellent. These can be new fabric materials, waxes or chemical free finishing substances. See our PFC-Free Collection.