Interview with our beekeeper and TestBee Ida
Bees have been an important part of the founding story of Weekendbee already starting from our name and mission. In addition to being one of the major pollinators, ensuring food security, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity, bees significantly contribute to the mitigation of climate change and environmental conservation.
In the long-term, beekeeping and the protection of bees can help reduce poverty and hunger, as well as preserve biodiversity. Bees have become increasingly endangered. Together with joint efforts, we can ensure the protection of bees and their habitat. (Source:
Weekendbee wants to inspire you towards a sustainable lifestyle, as well as spread insights of bees and their habitat. This summer we collaborate with Ida Sinisalo-Peltonen, who has just started her journey on beekeeping. Ida is also part of our TestBee brand ambassador team. You can follow the beekeeping journey on Ida's Instagram and TikTok profiles. The bee videos will also be posted on Weekendbee's Instagram profile.
Who are you?
My name is Ida Sinisalo-Peltonen, I play beach volleyball and this spring I started my beekeeping journey. I love nature, colors and animals. Mentally I come from the countryside but physically I live in the heart of Helsinki.
What made you interested in beekeeping?
Since I was a little child, I have been exploring nature and outdoors. A couple of years ago I started getting more interested in bees in particular. Last fall, I no longer came up with any reason why I couldn't start beekeeping. I already had a perfect spot for my beehive!
How to get started in beekeeping?
I started by taking a beekeeping course and watching Youtube videos about beekeeping. Although the bees are "easy care", they have all sorts of specialties that are worth knowing beforehand. A course about beekeeping was the best way for me to do this. It was also fun to get to know the other beekeepers.
What ups and downs have you had in the beginning?
The first day went well and we got the beehives on their places. The next day ants found the honeycombs and I had to make a plastic barrier to protect the beehives. In addition to this, the queen bee was hiding and I couldn't find it because of my limited experience.
Fortunately, on the third day, I found both of the queens from my hives almost immediately. I was relieved to notice how different they look like. I took a little taste of the honey and wow! Pretty good I must say!
How much investment does beekeeping require?
Getting started only costs the amount of hives and other beekeeping goods. The beehives cost around 350€ each. You can also find a lot of bee stuff in second hand, but if you choose to have them used, remember to wash them very carefully.
Roughly estimated, my two beehives were a total of 1000€. But keep in mind, you don't need to make such a big investment every year. This is just to get started. Besides, these goods can easily be resold if beekeeping doesn't end up being a long-term hobby for you.
You should visit the beehives at least every 9 days. However, it's a good idea to invest more time at the beginning to explore and practice on how to handle the hives.
What would you like to say to those who are interested in beekeeping?
Don't hesitate to take part in the beekeeping course. An even easier way to learn about beekeeping is to watch a few videos from different beekeepers. The bees are super interesting and so important to our nature. I'm pretty sure you will get hooked in this hobby! You can start by following my bee journey on Instagram and TikTok. Check out my profile: @idasinipelto.
Photos and interview answers: TestBee Ida Sinisalo-Peltonen