#HappyOutside: At Weekendbee the Friday's are NEVER Black!
Spoiler Alert! This story includes only outdoor greetings - NONE Black Friday offers!
Black Friday shopping campaigns have grown from one day event into a full-week shopping hysteria. On the eve of Black Friday (and Christmas shopping), we have a good time to reflect on our shopping habits. Do you buy the necessities? Do you repair, recycle or swap clothes with friends? Most sustainable is to leave all unnecessary purchases into the store, this also saves your time and money to spend more time in the outdoors!
Weekendbee loves outdoor life! Read below our team members' (Jukka, Aissa and Sonja) and Tesbees' (Fiia, Sante, Irene, Hanna) greetings. Share your moments also with us using #happyoutside hashtag.
We love spending time outdoors, hiking, biking, skiing, scuba diving. It makes us sad to see the changes that are happening in nature due to overconsumption and climate change. But we want to remain positive and encourage people to spend more time outdoors and to fight for what they love. This is why Weekendbee doesn't promote Black Friday but we want everyone to go and BEE #happyoutside.
// Aissa & Jukka, Weekendbee founders @weekendbee
"My FAVOURITE days are the days when I can dive into the water in the morning, drink coffee outside, wander in the woods, and fall into bed after the days' adventures!
I try to buy clothes and goods only when needed. I LOVE flea markets, clothing swaps and second hand culture, where most of my clothes are from. By the way, are you familiar with clothing swap events? This is a really fun way to gather with your friends to get ride of clothes what you don't need and to swap them into new (for you), but still second hand ones."
// Sonja, Marketing Bee

”Being outdoors is the best therapy for me. It makes me feel relaxed and content, it helps me to forget all schedules and stress. In one word, it makes me happy.On a side note. My social media and e-mail have been flooded with Black Friday -campaigns, encouraging people to buy this and that. Overconsumption is one of the biggest reasons for our environmental problems. Fashion used to have two seasons per year, now there is multiple more. “Fast fashion” is one of the biggest polluters with millions of tons of textiles that end up in landfills every year.Challenge yourself this year and be conscious of your shopping. Only buy things you need and you will use for a long time, choose more sustainable and eco-friendly options or try to find pre-loved items. Or just switch your retail therapy to nature therapy, better for you and the Earth."
// Fiia Testbee @fiiaemilia
"I'm happy when I'm outdoors .. No stress, no hurry, quiet moments when you only hear the wind in the trees.Nowadays it is increasingly important to get out because I live in the middle of the city. I would like to live close to nature where I could go running on the trails straight from my backyard."
// Sante Testbee @santeahonen
"The quiet forests, the mountains and the waves of the sea give me the strength and peace that I cannot get elsewhere. Being in nature makes me feel free and happy."
// Irene Testbee @irenelaitila

"Nature is full of beauty that no amount of money can buy. The best memories of my life are made outdoors. Nature is my source of inspiration, therapy and a gym at the same time."
// Hanna Testbee @hanehanneli