Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Gravel Almond Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Nautico Multico Shoes
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Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Butter Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Butter Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Butter Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Purple Ultraviolet Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Natural Parme Jaune Fluo Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Matcha Menthol Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Matcha Menthol Shoes
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Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Matcha Menthol Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Light-Grey Black Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Light-Grey Black Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Light-Grey Black Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles Light-Grey Black Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Pierre Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Pierre Shoes
Veja W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles White Pierre Shoes

W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Bežecká obuv – Recyklované plastové fľaše

Bežná cena € 129.95
Bežná cena € 165.00 Zľavnená cena € 129.95
zľava (-39%)
Vrátane dane. Preprava vypočíta sa pri pokladni.
Color: White Pierre
Size: 37
  • Niekoľko zostalo na sklade!

Získajte 20% zľavu na všetko s kódom: Platí do 8.3.2025

Veja's W's Condor 2 Alveomesh

Condor sa zrodil v roku 2019 ako prvá bežecká obuv po rope. Túto sezónu rozširujeme, vylepšujeme a vylepšujeme našu líniu, aby sme uspokojili potreby komunity bežcov vďaka ich spätnej väzbe. Condor 2, navrhnutý tak, aby bol vysoko všestranný, je ideálnou topánkou pre dlhé behy, ľahké behy a regeneračné tréningy. Kombináciou maximálneho pohodlia a veľmi bezpečného pocitu je to najspoľahlivejší partner, ktorý si uži beh. Veľkosť Condor je mierne odlišná, pozrite si prosím sprievodcu veľkosťami.


  • Povrch: Cesta / Park
  • Jazda: Neutrálne
  • Pokles : 10 mm (27 mm – 17 mm)
  • Hmotnosť: 301 g / 10,6 oz (veľkosť 43)
  • Bio/recyklované: 57 %
V roku 2020 bol VEJA Condor zvolený 42 profesionálnymi porotcami ISPO, najväčšieho európskeho veľtrhu pre Outdoor a šport, za Produkt roka v kategórii Bežecký hardvér.


    • Horná v Alveomesh
      100% recyklované plastové fľaše
    • Panely vyrobené v T.P.U.
    • Vložka na podporu päty vyrobená z Pebax RNew
      100% ricínový olej
    • Lining Tech
      100% recyklované plastové fľaše
    • Stielka
      51 % cukrovej trstiny – 21 % recyklovaných plastových fliaš.
    • Medzipodrážka
      51% cukrová trstina - 5% banánový olej
    • Polstrovaná technológia L-Foam
      30% prírodný latex z Brazílie - 70% syntetický latex
    • Podrážka
      30% amazonská guma - 31% ryžový odpad - 39% syntetická guma
    • Vyrobené v Brazílii,
      v regióne Fortaleza

    Čo je udržateľné

    • Prvá post-petrolejová bežecká obuv podľa noriem REACH. Použitie
    • 100% recyklované plastové fľaše
    • Polstrovaná technológia L-Foam
      30% prírodný latex z Brazílie - 70% syntetický latex
    • 100% ricínový olej

    Weekendbee záruka

    Keď si zakúpite výrobok od Weekendbee, môžete si byť istí, že tento výber je lepší pre našu planétu. Podporujeme udržateľne vyrábané vysokokvalitné výrobky, aby ste mohli nakupovať menej a lepšie.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 32 reviews
    Ellen Talve

    Mukavat ja kauniit kengät, mutta ne narisevat käytössä.

    Susanne Ehrhardt
    Ware leider noch nicht erhalten!

    Bitte prüfen!

    Jaana Koivumäki

    Lesti leveähkö, koko vastaa muuten mielestäni normaalia. Kauniit ja kevyet kengät!

    Sonja Helkala

    W's Condor 2 Alveomesh Running Shoes - Recycled Plastic Bottles

    Alison Rust
    Very tight fitting

    I usually take a size 5 but bought 5.5 and they are still too small my toe is touching the end. Very disappointed