Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective - W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles - Weekendbee - sustainable sportswear
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Midnight Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Plum Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Moon Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Earth 3XL Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants
Girlfriend Collective W's Compressive Leggings - 7/8 - Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles Limestone Pants

„W“ gniuždomosios kojos - 7/8 - pagamintas iš perdirbtų plastikinių butelių

Įprasta kaina € 49.95
Įprasta kaina € 67.95 Pardavimo kaina € 49.95
Išpardavimas (-26%)
Įskaičiuotas mokestis. Pristatymas apskaičiuojama užsakymo metu.
Color: Moss
Size: XS
  • Sandėlyje liko keletas vienetų!

Gauti 20% nuolaida viskam su kodu: Galioja iki 8.3.2025 m.

O, tvarios aukštybinės antblauzdžiai visomis geriausiomis spalvomis. Dėl visų jūsų dviračių, bėgimo, laipiojimo ir karštų jogos poreikių.


Visa tai pradėjo kojos. Papildomas aukštumas su keturių krypčių tempimo ir gniuždomuoju audiniu, pagamintu iš perdirbtų vandens butelių-iš esmės viskas, ko jums reikia norint gauti mėgstamą didelio poveikio veiklą, pavyzdžiui, bėgimą ar jogą.

Tai yra trumpesnė 7/8 versija, galite rastiilgesnė versija čia.

Tai yra esminės spalvos ir naujausia sezoninė antblauzdžių spalva, jei ieškote ribotų spalvų, galite Raskite juos čia.


Kiekviena mūsų gniuždomųjų antblauzdžių pora nukreipia 25 butelius nuo sąvartynų ir joje yra 79% RPET ir 21% spandekso.

Tinkamas ir dydis:

TIKSLAS pagal dydį su 28 cm pakilimu. Susipažinkite su savo naujuoju mėgstamiausiu tinkamumu.

  • 72cm = viso ilgis / normalus
  • 60cm = 7/8
  • 49cm = capri (Atskiras produktas, spustelėkite ilgį, kad jį atidarytumėte)

Kas yra tvarus?

Perdirbtas ir perdirbamas

  • Perdirbtos medžiagos
  • Etinis ir skaidrus gamybos procesas
  • Sertifikatai: „Bluesign“, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex
  • 18.61lbsCO2 paneigtas
  • 3.11galonų vanduo sutaupytas
  • 25 vandens buteliainukreiptas iš sąvartynų


Apie merginos kolektyvą

"Krūva senų vandens butelių niekada neatrodė taip gerai!"

„Girlent Collective“ tiki etiška gamyba ir perdirbta medžiaga. Be to, prekės ženklas mano, kad sveikata ir sveikata yra įvairių formų ir dydžių, ir tai yra svarbi. Spalvingi suprojektuoti viršūnės ir antblauzdžiai yra pagaminti taip, kad tilptų visi kūno tipai.

Prekės ženklą 2016 m. Įkūrė pora, Ellie ir Quang Dinh. Skaidrumas buvo pirmasis jų tikslas, pradedant „Girlent Collective“, ir tai vis dar yra viena iš svarbiausių jų vertybių. <

Seni vandens buteliai ir žvejybos tinklai yra pagrindinės žaliavos gamybai. Perdirbtas poliesteris Kyla iš Taivano, kuris šiais laikais yra perdirbimo lyderė. Antblauzdžiai gaminami iš 25 perdirbtų vandens butelių po vartojimo. Merginos kolektyvo perdirbimo centras priklauso Taivano šeimai ir yra sertifikuota Taivano vyriausybės. Gamyklos turiSA8000 pažymėjimas, kuris garantuoja, kad darbuotojams mokamas sąžiningas atlyginimas ir su jais elgiamasi pagarbiai. Draugė aktyviai ieško būdų, kaip padėti planetai ir jos gyventojams.


  • Bluesign - Produkto saugos garantija
  • SA8000 - etinių drabužių gamybos garantija
  • Oeko-tex - Saugi tekstilė
  • GRS - Visuotinis perdirbimo standartas

Weekendbee garantija

Pirkdami Weekendbee gaminį galite būti tikri, kad pasirinkote mūsų planetai naudingesnį produktą. Mes remiame tvariai pagamintus aukštos kokybės produktus, kad galėtumėte pirkti mažiau ir geriau.

Recycled materials

Ethical and transparent manufacturing process

Certifications: Bluesign, SA8000, GRS, Oeko-Tex

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Mukavan napakat muttei puristavat, laadukkaan oloiset. Kyykätessä hieman rullautuu vyötäröltä, muttei valu. Koko L oli 160-senttiselle vielä juuri ja juuri vajaamittainen.

Sanna Kosunen
Täydellinen pituus lyhyemmälle henkilölle!

Hirvittävän vaikeaa löytää 153 senttisenä sopivia kompressiollisia treenipöksyjä, lähes aina joutuu taittamaan lahjetta, jolloin voi alkaa staassaamaan (eli luomaan omaan puristusta taitetun lahkeen kohdalle). Mutta nämä ovat täydelliset lyhyemmille henkilöille.

Julia Kokkonen
Great leggings

The product was exactly what i expected. It fits great and the lenght is perfect.

Aliisa Järvinen
Mahtavat treenitrikoot!

Hyvännäköiset, pysyy jalassa ja istuu mukavasti. Aika napakka malli mutta vastaa kokoaan mielestäni. Näistä ei näy läpi ja lahkeen pituus täydellinen 158 cm mittaiselle, kerrankin😊 näistä tuli uudet lempparitrikoot, suosittelen!

W's Compressive Legging - 7/8 soft but firm

I like them, they are soft but still firm.
I also like the high waist, so I do not need to worry they will be creeping down during the workout.